Atmore News

Severe weather predicted for Saturday, Saturday night
David Adams, EMA director for Escambia County (Ala.) reported Friday morning the latest forecasts from the National Weather Service on the potential for severe weather in the area Saturday and Saturday night: The NWS reports that a well-organized squall line still looks on track to bring an enhanced potential of severe weather along with heavy rainfall to our local area Saturday and Saturday night Severe Weather Impacts: There still remains…
Safety in our churches
It’s another of those times when I think, “Why are we even having this conversation?” But there we were – sitting in the Escambia County High School auditorium, listening to deputies tell us how to be safe in church. In church. Fact is, no institution, no building, no group of people – no place, no one is safe now. Not even our churches. Chief Deputy Mike Lambert, Deputy Bill Green,…
ECCPC presenting truth about marijuana
The Escambia County Children’s Policy Council is sponsoring and presenting an educational presentation entitled “The Truth About Marijuana” at Flomaton High School Auditorium. The program will begin at 6 p.m. on April 26, at the auditorium and last about an hour. The guest speaker will be Mr. Anthony Pollard, a dynamic and informative speaker. The objective of the presentation is to educate and inform students, parents and the general public…
State champs!
Escambia Academy JV boys track team won the AISA A and AA State Track Championship Monday, April 9. The track meet was held at EA. Members of the track team are shown above, from left, front, Sam Thompson, Sam Fields, Daughtrey McGhee, Troy Fountain, Caleb Davis, Josh Spruill; back, Christian Crook, Hunter Smith, Zack Daniels, Randall Bonds, Brady Howell, Malakai Haynes, Parker Robinson.  Below are MVP for the track meet,…
Healthy Kids Day April 21 at Y
A morning of fun activities for local youngsters is in store from 9 a.m. until noon on Saturday, April 21, as Atmore Area YMCA hosts its annual Healthy Kids Day. Although several activities, such as arts and crafts tables, will be held inside, the main thrust of the national observance is to promote healthy fun for kids. To that end, the day will actually start at 7:45 a.m., when runners,…