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Bye-bye Biden
Congressman Jerry Carl On Sunday, Joe Biden announced he would not seek reelection for the 2024 presidency. From day one, Republicans knew that Biden was not fit for the Oval Office. Throughout his term, Democrats and the media defended Biden at all costs, covering up what they have known all along –Biden was never fit to run our nation.For the past year, I have predicted Biden will not be on…
Assassination attempt of President Trump
Congressman Jerry Carl Saturday was a sad day for President Trump, the Trump family, and America because 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks attempted to assassinate President Trump at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. While many of the details are still not clear, investigators are working hard to continue uncovering the details and Crooks’ specific motives. By the grace of God, Trump survived this evil political violence, and this day will go…
Only American votes should count
Congressman Jerry Carl One of the most fundamental rights and privileges of the United States is the right to vote. Our elections depend on fairness and lawful voting to reflect the will of the people. Recently, our election system has been seriously flawed, affecting how Americans are represented. The rise of immigration and lack of border security from the Biden Administration has resulted in record numbers of noncitizens and foreign…
President Trump’s constitutional immunity
Congressman Jerry Carl Monday, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on President Trump’s immunity from charges related to the unfair 2020 election and his role during the January 6, 2021, Capitol riots. Jack Smith, the lead prosecutor of this Washington case, argued that Trump attempted to overturn the 2020 election and charged the former President in 2023 on counts of obstruction of justice. This Washington case was brought…
The sham trial against President Trump
Congressman Jerry Carl The conviction of former President Donald Trump was not only shameful for the Democratic Party but also a sad day for America. President Trump was found guilty on 34 different counts due to the weaponization of our justice system under the Biden Administration. This Administration has had a lengthy history of using our courts against individual American people, but political prosecution of President Trump affects us all.…