Sherry Digmon

My story, part 7
Digmon December 1I was attending an Alabama Association of School Board (AASB) conference in Birmingham.Two significant events happened that day.In the morning and afternoon, we had a series of break-out sessions, and we could choose which ones to attend. That morning, my fellow board member Loumeek White and I chose to attend the law session with Jayne Williams and two other attorneys. Jayne is the AASB General Counsel & Director…
My story, part 6
Digmon One thing I have found in trying to put all this in order is that it’s not easy to put all this in order. I find myself going through legal documents, emails and my notes and sometimes things overlap, or I need to go back and explain something. Anyway, bear with me if at times I seem to jump around. 2023October 30Circuit Judge Jeff White, Circuit Judge Todd Stearns,…
BOE meets in special session
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher The Escambia County Board of Education met in special session Friday morning, July 12. The meeting was routine other than one personnel item. Board member Mike Edwards said the resignation of Elementary Curriculum Supervisor Nicole Spottswood concerned him. “This board is dismantling the effort to move forward,” Edwards said, referring to the “two to three past years.” “Teachers don’t want to return to policies as…
My story, part 5
Digmon In last week’s article, I talked about deputies seizing my cell phone – a personal phone also used for business. Not sure it’s entirely legal to seize a journalist’s phone since we sometimes deal in confidential information. But that’s another legality (or illegality) to look at another day.So, Deputy Arthur Odom and another deputy seized my phone on Monday, October 23, 2023. Four months later, I obtained a document…
My story, part 4
Digmon This week, I continue the timeline started in last week’s Atmore News. 2023October 23I was staying with Myrna in Atmore Community Hospital as she was recovering from a broken leg.I got a call on my cell phone from Escambia County Deputy Artur Odom. I’ve known Arthur for decades. I knew him when he was with the Atmore Police Department, then with various other law enforcement agencies. I didn’t take…