Don Fletcher

Christmas parades set
Children and other fans of local Christmas parades will be thrilled this weekend, as annual holiday caravans will be held on the Poarch Creek Indians reservation and in downtown Atmore on successive nights. Participants in the Poarch parade, which is set to begin at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, weave traditional Native American costumes and decorations into their Christmas presentations. The Poarch event’s theme wasn’t announced but it usually mirrors that…
Please think before you vote
As you read this, please understand this is my opinion – not necessarily that of the other owner of this business or of any of the folks who work here. It’s mine alone. I wish I had kept the letter. We weren’t going to print it in the paper, but I wish I had kept it. I don’t remember who sent it – not a local person. It was one…
Energy in Alabama
By Congressman Bradley Byrne In Alabama, we have a lot to be proud of. From our best-in-the-nation Pre-K programs to our championship caliber football teams to our booming economy, there is no shortage of things for our residents to take pride in. One thing we often forget is our outstanding natural resources. From our forests to our waters, Alabama is blessed with an abundance of natural resources that provide a diverse…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers The final vote for the remaining three years of Jeff Sessions six-year term in the U.S. Senate will be next Tuesday. The race is between Democrat Doug Jones and Republican Roy Moore. Jeff Sessions is probably sorry he left his safe Senate seat of 20 years to be at the Justice Department … It would be highly unlikely that a Democrat could beat a Republican for a…
Business owner says notice uncalled for
Editor’s note: In the following open letter, Mr. Anderson refers to a notice left on the door of one of his buildings downtown. The front and back are printed here. The name on the bottom of the notice is Single Citizen Action Against Signs of Blight, a self-proclaimed initiative. Hello, Citizens of Atmore, Downtown Atmore was once a very vibrant and interesting place to visit, at least according to my…