Community News

Lions meet

Special to Atmore News

The Atmore Lions Club held its final meeting of 2019 on Wednesday, December 18, in the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital. Lion President Bub Gideons called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Lion Richard Maxwell gave the blessing.
Lion Bub thanked all who worked on the Christmas parade float, especially Anna Marie Gilchrist who served as chairman of the float committee. He announced that the Lions Club float won second place and showed the plaque we received. It was voted to put the prize money into the float fund for next year’s float.
Because the next Lions meeting would be on Jan. 1, it was announced that our only meeting in January will be on January 18, 2020.
Lion Taylor Lee reported that the Leos at Escambia County High School voted to adopt a child in a local school and a man at the nursing home. They have purchased gifts and will meet to wrap and deliver them this week. Lee also announced the golf tournament will be March 12 and that we will provide / cook food for Camp Rap-A-Hope in February.
Lion Audrey Moon presented the program which was on the Atmore Community Foundation. She explained where money comes from, how it is awarded, and some of the procedures the committee must follow in the selection of winners.