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ECHS hosts College and Career Fair
From Southern Pine and LifeFlight on the school grounds to college and agency reps in the gym, Escambia County High School’s College and Career Fair gave students a broad spectrum of opportunities. The fair was held Friday, March 10, for students in grades nine through 12. Representatives were on hand to give information and answer questions. The following vendors participated: AIDT Maritime Air National Guard Alabama National Guard Atmore Fire…
Perdido E/M School win big at Regional Technology Fair
Students in Ms. Gerri McDonald’s Humanities, Project Jubilee and Enrichment classes recently competed at the Regional Technology Fair held at Coastal Alabama Community College (formally Faulkner State). Since October, students in grades 3 through 8 have been researching, creating and editing projects in a variety of categories. The categories include General Applications, Multi-media, Video Production, Hardware Robotics, and a Technology Literacy Exam. For each category, students may compete as either individuals or…
Ribbon cutting for Fehr
The Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting for Fehr Paint Contracting Friday, March 10. Shown are, from left, kneeling, David Weber, Makala Lee, Stephen Gehman, Bub Gideons; middle, Brandy Giger, Jordan Barnett, John Sirmon, Marie Smith, Charles Smith, Noah Fehr (in front of Charles), Chris Fehr, Brandy Turk Fehr holding Emma, Carolyn Turk, Susanne Sirmon; back, Ellis Beachy, Anna Marie Johnson, Chris Singleton, Myrna Monroe, Donna Gilman, Mallorie Beachy.
Commission seeking countywide 1-cent sales tax
Escambia County Commissioners, faced with steadily dwindling revenues and steadily increasing expenditures, have exercised about the only option they have left to balance the equation – and the county’s budget – without making drastic cuts in the county’s workforce or in the services provided. Commissioners voted unanimously on Monday, March 13, to approve a resolution asking the Alabama Legislature to authorize the implementation of a countywide one-cent sales tax. “Actually,…