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Athletes enjoy Super Fun Day
As the athletes got off the buses and headed toward the gym, cheers went up. Volunteers lined the walkway and applauded and sometimes exchanged a high five with athletes. It was Friday morning, April 21, and excitement was high was athletes from the public schools in Escambia County gathered at Escambia County High School Cornell Torrence Gym for Super Fun Day (a special day for a special population of students).…
Clean sweep
The Escambia Academy Cougars baseball team hold a broom indicating their sweep, winning two games in a row of the first round of the playoffs Friday, April 21. EA won the first game against Russell Christian Academy 9-0, and the second game 13-11. EA moves on to the second round of playoffs against Macon East there this Friday. Shown are, from left, front, Heath Sheldt, Jackson Bonner, Pate Robinson, Fred…
Music on Main
Aiden Nelson, 6, dances as Ricky Crook and Steve Johnston play during the Saturday, April 22, debut of Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce’s Music on Main, held in the alleyway in the 100-block of Main Street. The youngster was accompanied by his grandmother, Staci Hadley. Chamber President Chris Singleton said the three-hour musical performances, sponsored by Wind Creek Casino & Hotel, United Bank and First National Bank & Trust, will…
WGYJ-LP program schedule
Since the first day of broadcasting on January 26, the Gehman family, owners of Christian radio station WGYJ-LP in Atmore, have continued to expand programming. The Rev. Martin and Vernie Gehman and sons David and Jerry (and on occasion other family members and guests) are the DJs. Programming includes Christian music with local news, weather, and short one-minute programs such as Our Daily Bread; Up-Lifting Moments with Wallace Davis; Get…
Perdido Middle School inducts new Beta Club members
Perdido Meddle School recently held their annual Beta Club initiation for this year’s sixth graders, and any seventh or eighth grader who was not already a member. To become a member of the National Beta Club, a student must be in good standing discipline-wise, maintain an 85 average and be recommended by the faculty and staff. This year’s officers, who led the induction ceremony are President Blakeley Norris; Vice President Natalee Presley;…