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YLA Class of 2017 graduates
Members of the Youth Leadership Atmore Class of 2017 were honored with a graduation ceremony and reception Sunday afternoon, April 30. Guest speaker was Alabama Representative Alan Baker. He encouraged the class to express their appreciation to the people who have invested in their lives – parents, grandparents, educators, community leaders. Rep. Baker talked about the truth in the slogan “Be all you can be.” “Some people wait for something…
Yard of the Month
The Pride of Atmore Committee began a new initiative this week. Actually, they’ve revived an old Atmore tradition – the Yard of the Month. The first award recipients were Floyd and Betty Adams on Main Street. Floyd said he didn’t think his yard was worthy of the award, but he was grateful and honored. Committee members are shown with Floyd and Betty at the presentation Monday, May 1, from left,…
HBC celebrating new addition
The congregation of Huxford Baptist Church invites all to their open house for the new Fellowship Hall Sunday, May 7, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. On May 20, 2016, a storm damaged the fellowship hall / educational building. After much prayer and consideration, the congregation voted to build anew. They invite everyone to join them as they celebrate God’s blessings. Huxford Baptist Church is located at 6520 McCullough Road. News…