CommunitySherry Digmon

Friends of Education donates to choir
Several members of Friends of Education gathered at Escambia County Middle School Wednesday, February 1, to present a check to Conrad Weber. You would have to be hiding under a rock not to know that Weber is the choir director at Escambia County Middle School and Escambia County High School. And you’d have to be under that rock not to know that several members of the choir are going to…
ECMS students going to All-State Choral Festival
Note the photo and article above about Friends of Education’s donation to the Escambia County Middle and High School choirs. The funds will be used to buy formal wear, which the students will in turn “rent” from the school. It’s always nice to put faces with an article, so here are four young ladies who will be among the first to benefit from the most recent donations. These middle school…
UB, Ash honored at annual Chamber banquet
United Bank was honored at the Annual Chamber Banquet as the 2016 Business of the Year. This award demonstrates United Bank’s leadership and commitment of both the bank and its employees. The Chamber acknowledged several of United’s efforts from hosting children and adult financial education workshops, food drives, funding economic development, job creation and various employees who contribute their time and resources to organizations and projects across our footprint. “I…
Pitch, Hit, Run at YMCA April 1
Atmore YMCA will host the annual Scotts Pitch, Hit & Run competition on Saturday, April 1, at the YMCA soccer fields on Pensacola Avenue. The free test of baseball talent, which is the official skills competition of Major League Baseball, will begin at 9 a.m. and continue until all participants have had a chance to compete in all areas. The event offers boys and girls ages 7-14, divided into four…
Bethel UMC hosting Crosby Lane
Bethel United Methodist Church will host Crosby Lane in concert Saturday, February 25, 6:30 p.m. Crosby Lane is named for one of the most prolific hymn writers of all time – Fanny Crosby, who wrote more than 8,500 hymns. To God Be the Glory; Praise Him! Praise Him!; Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior; I Am Thine, O Lord; Rescue the Perishing; and Blessed Assurance are but a sampling of…