Lena Hardy is always looking for ways to better serve her physical therapy patients. She recently added an incredible piece of equipment at Astound Physical Therapy.
Here you’ll find the only HydroWorx Water Treadmill in Escambia and Mobile counties.
A water treadmill? Well, it’s actually a freestanding underwater treadmill.
This is how it works. The patient enters the tank which fills with warm water to a specified level. Depending on the therapy needed, the patient may walk or run on the treadmill in the water or sit on the seat and exercise in the water. There is also a resistance jet for a higher level of exercise or deep tissue massage.
So what’s the advantage of this type of therapy? The water takes the weight off to increase tolerance for movement such as walking. If you have a hard time walking, exercise in water is much easier and increases your ability to walk and move normally.
This therapy is also good for rehab after a stroke, spinal injuries, sports injury and training.
Your doctor does not have to specifically prescribe using HydroWorx, however, when your doctor refers you (or you asked to be referred) to Astound Physical Therapy, Lena can incorporate it into your plan of care which is submitted to your doctor.
What you need to know:
* The doorway step to the pool is low, so it’s easy to step into and out of. Lena will open and close the door for you.
* If you need assistance, Lena can be in the tank with you.
* You may wear work-out clothes (recommended) or a bathing suit or shorts or other garment. However, no cotton garments are allowed. The fibers can create problems with the equipment.
Questions? Feel free to call Lena at 251-321-0799. Or drop by Astound Physical Therapy, 104 5th Avenue, Atmore, and see this new equipment which will be available for patients in January.