Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club welcomed three guests, Linda Ellison, Andrew Garner, and Jodi James to its meeting on May 1, in the Mayson Auditorium of Atmore Community Hospital.
Bub Gideons gave the blessing followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Seventeen members were present to hear the program on the Alabama Bicentennial Exhibit. Lion Nancy Karrick introduced Dana Vickrey, Linda Ellison, and Andrew Garner as fellow members of the local committee along with herself. Speaking for the group, Vickrey described the exhibit, especially the part about the history of Escambia County, and encouraged members to attend during the May 2-23 time frame. The Escambia County exhibit will rotate among the public libraries in the county and eventually reside at the Atmore Historical Society. Special thanks was also given to Chapman Maxwell for unloading the exhibit from the truck with his forklift.
President Candace Wooten asked for volunteers to sell mops and brooms at Mayfest and Taylor Lee requested help for the golf tournament on May 16.