Special to Atmore News
Nancy Karrick, president of Gamma Omega Chapter in Atmore, of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, attended the Alabama State Convention in Huntsville held February 22-24, for training and personal and professional development.
During the Birthday Luncheon, Karrick was presented the prestigious Alabama State Achievement Award, the highest award presented on the state level, for her dedication to the work of the state organization and encouraging chapters and members to improve and expand their local organizations. During her tenure as state president, Karrick made 87 chapter visits and logged over 50,000 miles traveling the highways of Alabama.
Her biggest achievement was bringing the Alabama members and chapters together into one cohesive state organization, all working toward the same goals and sharing the Society’s genuine spiritual fellowship among its members.
Delta Kappa Gamma is a professional honor society for women educators with more than 70,000 members. Established in 17 member countries around the world, the Society defines its mission as promoting professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.
Any woman educator, actively teaching or retired, who is interested in joining Delta Kappa Gamma, can receive information by calling Nancy Karrick at 368-8654.
Gamma Omega Chapter in Atmore is actively recruiting members to share in the special fellowship, scholarship, and projects which membership in Delta Kappa Gamma fosters.