
Auburn wins – Mayor loses

Every Friday during football season, the folks at the SAIL Center on Ridgeley Street wear their game shirts. Mayor Jim Staff usually drops by to add his enthusiastic Roll Tide.

This year, the mayor and SAIL Center Director Charlotte Purvis made a friendly wager – well, as friendly as any wager between Auburn and Alabama fans can be.

The loser of the bet would get a pie in the face. Charlotte said chocolate is her favorite. The mayor said lemon meringue is his favorite.

The score after Saturday’s game: Auburn 26, Alabama 14.

Monday morning, Mayor Staff, with green plastic cape in hand, went to the SAIL Center. Charlotte got the Auburn fans lined up with the two of them. And then it was time for the pie.

Suffice to say, a lemon meringue pie makes quite a mess. But the mayor did say it was good.

Posing with the Auburn fans, from left, Sterling Fancher, Shelly Moore, Mayor Jim Staff, Charlotte Purvis, Hazel Higdon, Eula Sullivan, Ray Fowler.