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No serious injuries
An Escambia Academy senior escaped serious injury when she lost control of her 2005 Nissan Maxima around 2:10 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 26, while traveling on Cowpen Creek Road, about a half-mile from Jerkins Loop. According to Alabama State Trooper reports, the teen suffered “non-life threatening” injuries and was taken to a local hospital, where she was treated and released. The car was a total loss.
Brown execs award checks to ECHS, FHS
Among the business conducted during the Monday, Nov. 28, Atmore City Council meeting were the approval of two agreements related to lighting and traffic signals near Rivercane Industrial Park and the swap of small tracts of land with Poarch Creek Indian officials. But the agenda item that drew the most attention was the formal announcement of the winners of a contest among local schools to name the access road to…
Thanksgiving supper at church
By NANCY KARRICK Special to Atmore News Just reading the title of this article brings to mind rows of tables with traditional church food, and a huge turkey as the centerpiece. Imagine the mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes with pecan and brown sugar topping, dressing, green bean casserole, rolls, deviled eggs, cranberry sauce, congealed salad, and desserts. Oh, the desserts which defy description, each more delicious than the first…
A bevy of beauties … or something like that
It’s hard to characterize the contestants in the Escambia County High School Womanless Beauty Pageant as beauties … but we’ll start there anyway. The pageant, a fund-raising project of the school’s Triton Club, was held Friday, November 18. Stephanie McGhee is the club’s faculty sponsor. The contestants were Joshua Richardson, Christian Brooks, Jacob Harrison, Joseph Bryan, Wesley Johnson, Ladanian Dailey, Trey Price, Tyrec Packer, De’Ante Bullard, Jimmy Overstreet, La’Karlton Nye,…