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Parading in Repton
Repton Mayor Terri Carter says, “Let the good times roll in historic downtown Repton!” The TACKY Gras (not Mardi Gras) Parade will be held this Saturday, February 25, 11 a.m. There will be a $100 prize for Best and Most Original Float. But if you don’t have a float, not a problem. Carter encourages you to “be creative with household items, grab some throws and join us!” The Kings Ball…
Legion frying up some fish
American Legion Post 90 is having a fish fry Saturday, March 4, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Legion Hall, corner of Church and Main. But this is more than a fish fry. They’ll also have a craft fair with local vendors. Catfish plate is $7 with three pieces of fish, beans, Coleslaw, and a hushpuppy. Drinks will be available for $1. Come by and get some good…
D4 commissioner: ‘Proposed gas tax hike a necessary evil’
Brandon Smith doesn’t like taxes. Neither does he like the condition of the rural roads he and many other rural residents travel each day. But Smith, the Escambia County Commission’s District 4 representative, grudgingly agrees that the proposed statewide gasoline tax increase might be the only solution to the second problem. “Nobody likes a tax, and I don’t either, but at some point you’ve got to figure out a way…
Looking for DTV?
If you’ve had a hard time finding Destiny Television on your Mediacom station line-up, read on. You may find Destiny Television, a ministry of Cross Point Baptist Church in Atmore, on a different channel. Pastor J.T. Guyton said folks started asking him about DTV and why they could no longer get it. When he checked, he found that some tuners and new televisions were not picking up Mediacom’s channel 6…
Gossett guest of governor
Atmore resident Frank Gossett began administering his Breaking Every Chain ministry as assistant chaplain of Holman Correctional Facility four years ago. When he assumed the position he brought with him a desire to help inmates in the notorious prison, where the state’s most hardened criminals, including those who reside on Death Row, are housed, find a path out of their respective lives of crime. It wasn’t that long ago, though,…