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Giving a kidney
Sonya Thomas is the big sister. She’s supposed to take care of her younger sister, Nelda Dukes. At least, that’s how Sonya feels. But things are a little upside down right now. It’s Nelda who’s taking care of Sonya – by giving her a kidney. Sonya was diagnosed with kidney disease in 2006. A second diagnosis followed in 2011 – kidney failure. Following a series of testing in 2016, Sonya…
What’s next for health care
By Congressman Bradley Byrne Last week was a hectic and monumental week at the U.S. Capitol. As we prepared to mark the 7th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, President Trump was pushing the House to pass his plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. Known as the American Health Care Act, the bill would have repealed Obamacare, ended the government mandates, cut taxes, lowered premiums, reduced the deficit,…
Recyclers finally getting the message?
A recent trip out to Atmore’s recycling center revealed a surprising development in the city’s effort to maintain a decent area to which locals can bring their cardboard, newspapers and other items that can be recycled, restored and prepared for reuse. At first I thought I had gone to the wrong place. There was little ground clutter, no bags of household garbage scattered about, no cans of paint hastily discarded…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers Last week we handicapped some of the potential horses in the upcoming 2018 Governor’s Race. We mentioned Judge Roy Moore, PSC President Twinkle Cavanaugh, Agriculture Commissioner John McMillan, Secretary of State John Merrill, State Treasurer Young Boozer, State Senator Del Marsh and Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle. Some others that may be considering pursuing the brass ring of Alabama politics are Lt. Governor Kay Ivey, Supreme Court Justice…
Trying to figure out what is Southern
By Harvey H. (“Hardy”) Jackson Back in my teaching days one of my courses was one designed to introduce students to what is euphemistically called (by people into euphemisms) “Southern culture” In class we talked about things like regional mythology, religion, humor, literature, folklore, music, manners, and such, but no matter what we covered, I kept trying to get students to ask themselves and tell me “what makes it Southern?”…