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Republicans need to unify against Biden
Congressman Jerry Carl After seeing the results in South Carolina, it is evident we need to unite behind Donald Trump in combating Joe Biden’s efforts to drive this country into the ground. Since day one, I have been working to fight the Biden Administration’s Far-Left policies like reckless government spending, insane environmental regulations, and our wide-open Southern Border.On the Appropriations Committee, I have worked to cut billions in wasteful government…
Presidents’ Day
Congressman Jerry Carl Presidents’ Day is a time in America when we remember and honor the leaders who helped shape our country. It’s a day to think about the values that make America great, like freedom and hard work. One important thing to remember is that the founding fathers believed in these values too. They wanted everyone to have the chance to live a good life, with liberty and the…
Joe Biden is unfit to be president of the United States
Congressman Jerry Carl We have known for years now that Joe Biden is unfit to be President due to his lack of mental awareness, under the table deals with foreign adversaries, and the way he has completely sacrificed our national security for monetary gain. What we already know has been confirmed several times by the Department of Justice and Congressional Committees investigations into President Biden and his family.Recently, Special Counsel…
Mayorkas should be fired
Congressman Jerry Carl Our Southern Border is wide open, and Secretary Mayorkas has done absolutely nothing to bring relief to the crisis the Biden administration has created. President Biden inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years, and 3 years into his presidency, we are seeing the highest-ever rate of illegal immigrants pouring into our country.Since President Biden took office, there have been over 8 million immigrants flow…
The world is less safe under Joe Biden’s leadership
Congressman Jerry Carl With chaos around the world and constant threats here at home, the President’s number one priority should be supporting our national defense and being a leader on the global stage.Our enemies are becoming bolder and more capable, and the United States absolutely must continue maintaining a dominant military posture to protect against any threats.Just in the last two years, we’ve seen Afghanistan fall to the Taliban, Ukraine…