Sherry Digmon

The ACS science fair
Forty-two students. Forty-two science projects. Here was everything you wanted to know about how fast different types of chocolate melt, to the benefits of having worms in your soil, to the germs on your bathroom surfaces (almost too much information there). The Atmore Christian School science fair was held Monday afternoon, February 17, with awards presented in middle grades and high school for first, second and third. The public was…
APL honors Joyce Bolden
    By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher For 30 years, Joyce Bolden was as much a part of the Atmore Public Library as the books on the shelves. Though she passed away in June 2019, her influence and contribution are still evident today. To honor her memory, the library board and staff held a dedication Monday morning, February 10, to rename The Alabama Room. The plaque above the door reads…
‘The best ever’
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher “The best ever.” That’s what Escambia County High School band director Hayley Cockrell said about the nine students who participated in the 47th Annual Southeastern United States (SEUS) Honor Band at Troy University last week, January 30 through February 1. A total of 800 students were at Troy competing for position in the honor band. Nine students were selected to go to Troy from the…
Honoring Rosa Parks
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher The house was packed … but it always is. About 150 people gathered Saturday morning, February 1, for the 14th Annual Rosa Parks Breakfast at Greater Mount Triumph Missionary Baptist Church. Lillie Johnson and her fellow members of the Yellow Hat Society presented the breakfast and program to honor the woman known as the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement. While the gathering is a…
Chamber honors achievement
By SHERRY DIGMON News Staff Writer A capacity crowd attended the 74th Annual Chamber Gala (annual meeting and banquet) Friday, January 24, at Wind Creek. The evening provided an opportunity to honor individual and business achievements with five awards presented during the evening. A new category this year was New Business of the Year. Dale Ash presented the award to David Strawbridge, The Publican. In an emotional speech, Brandy Fehr…