Sherry Digmon

Play ball!
From left, DeMarcus McMillian, AJ Beachy, Austin Snyder, Daniel Love, Cameron Cloud, Danny White, Zack Stewart, Dee Guy, Kyle Hostetler, Shane Rollin, Eugene Edwards, Trent Peebles, Chris Hughes, Gordon Brooks, Brandon Barber, Cody Norton, Guyel Martin, Logan Weber, umpire Raymond Robinson, Kentrae Boggan, Thaihee Staples, Adrian King, Josh Dorriety, Bailey Bass, home plate umpire Chris Harrison. Not pictured are Clay Smith, Tommy America and Josh Hochstetler. By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher…
Observing Memorial Day
Several members of the Legion and VFW with keynote speaker, from left, Jim Biggs, Marcus Stewart, Steve Reynolds, Billy Gates, Bobby Lanier, speaker CW5 Greg Turberville, Jack Wright, Paul Chason, René Bunch, Harold Madison, Mike Hanks, Glenn Wardrop, Ronnie Albritton, Lloyd Albritton, Richard Keesler, and Dave Graham. Greg Turberville comes home as keynote speaker By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher Greg Turberville stopped several times as he was speaking, overcome with emotion…
Walkers raise awareness
Participants in the Walk. Organizer Marlo Young is at front right. Rev. Donzell Young is to her right. By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher “Stop the stigma!” was the chant as participants in the Mental Health Awareness Walk held Saturday in Atmore left the former YMCA building and made their way to Tom Byrne Park.The walk was organized by Marlo Young, M.S., Mental Health Service Coordinator, Escambia County School System, to raise…
Searching for a superintendent
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher The Escambia County Board of Education has begun the search for a superintendent in the wake of John Knott’s announcement that he will retire as superintendent July 31. The board voted at the May 13 meeting to enter into an agreement with Alabama Association of School Boards (AASB) to provide services in support of the search for a new superintendent. AASB provides three levels of…
National Day of Prayer observed
Dr. Kevin Garrett, left, and Dr. Tim Tew Mayor Jim Staff, left, and Rev. Jim Thorpe Dietrich Bondurant and Linda Godwin Willonette and John Hammond Commander Dave Graham By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher Though smaller in scope and attendance than in previous years, the local observance of the National Day of Prayer was no less heartfelt and sincere.Linda Godwin coordinated the event which took place Thursday, May 6, at noon, in…