Sherry Digmon

Main Street Atmore grant cycle opening
Dale Ash displays before and after pictures of South Main building. By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher Main Street Atmore is opening their next grant cycle, and local business owners are encouraged to apply.A property owner meeting was held Thursday, October 13, to encourage involvement and give basic information.Dale Ash, Main Street Design Committee chairwoman, showed numerous before and after pictures showing what previous owners have accomplished with the help of Main…
Murphree is new county Extension Coordinator
Shown at Extension Coordinators with coalition members at their recent meeting, from left, front, Anna Ellis Anthony Wiggins, Millie Murphree, Dale Ash; back, Shinora Redmond, David Dobson, Mayor Jim Staff, Emilee Craft. Not pictured is Sherry Digmon. By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher Millie Murphree is the new County Extension Coordinator in Escambia County, stepping into the position vacated by Anthony Wiggins who is now the county coordinator in Monroe County. Friday,…
ECHS rates straight Superiors
Some of the color guard and drum line members with their trophies By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher The Escambia County High School Band (Blue Legion) recently attended two competitions and has another coming up. So far, the band has scored straight Superior ratings and looks to continue that high ranking next week.The first competition was in Andalusia, October 1. Along with straight Superiors across the board, the band also received Best…
Huxford Elementary School Fall Carnival
That look when you think you’re about to hit the water! HES principal Leah Fuqua takes her turn in the dunking booth. Go fish – HES teacher Mandy Strawbridge takes care of prizes in the fish pond. HES teacher Cheyanne Ikner, seated right, works her 28th HES Fall Carnival. This year she was assisted by her mom, Ginger Caraway, seated next to her, and daughter Haley Leachman, standing. By SHERRY…
Class of 1962 ‘takes a seat’
At the presentation, from left, Sandy Helton, Bobby Freeman, Dr. Roy Gandy, Ann Amos Bell, Foster Kizer and Dale Ash, G.W. (Jeepy) Ford, Joyce Sasser Brown, and Jimmy Brown. By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher The Escambia County High School Class of 1962 donated $500 for a theater seat in the Strand Theater which is being renovated. The class will be commemorated with a plaque on a seat as will everyone who…