
Metzler addresses Lions

Don Metzler, Lion Taylor Lee

Special to Atmore News

The Atmore Lions Club meeting on August 2, 2023, was called to order by President Renee Hardy, who also led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Lion Anne Hetzel gave the invocation. Lion Patty Davis introduced prospective member Billy Blair.
Following lunch, Lion Taylor Lee introduced Don Metzler who spoke to the group about We Care and their ministry to prisoners. Metzler pointed out that the mission of We Care is “Proclaiming Christ and Discipling Inmates.” Metzler showed pictures of We Care volunteers and chaplains at work inside the prisons and described some of the activities which they present to the inmates in those facilities and how they share the gospel with them.
Lion Renee discussed the work done by our local Lions at Camp Smile and Camp Seale Harris, as well as at the Back to School Boost. She asked for a Lion to work with Barbara Whatley and the Leos at the high school. Katrinka Phillips volunteered for that position. Upcoming events for Lions include the Leadership training the weekend of August 5 and 6 in Montgomery, Taste of the South and Relay For Life.
Lion Joyce Petty was recognized for being elected to the Florida State Florist Association Board of Directors. A “Hope You Are Feeling Better” traditional Lions placemat card was signed by members for Gregg Akins. The next meeting will be on August 16.