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Avoiding default, paying our debts,and cutting spending
Congressman Jerry Carl The easiest and most politically advantageous choice for my career is to vote against the Fiscal Responsibility Act, but I couldn’t put myself and my political future ahead of the needs of this country. I couldn’t say “no” to the biggest spending cut and the largest deficit reduction in US history. In fact, this spending cut is larger than all the cuts from previous years combined. I…
CACC releases honors list
Coastal Alabama Community College has released the names of students named to the President’s List and the Dean’s List for Spring semester 2023. Area students are listed below.The following students were named to the President’s List:Atmore – Sarah Arnold, Abigail Atchison, Matthew Baggett, Terry Baldwin, Da’lijiah BallPerdido – Cameron Robinson, Gavin RobinsonThe following students were named to the Dean’s List:Atmore – Olan Albritton, Mattie Bailey, Lane Booker, Madeline Brown, Ashley…
Meet Mckenzie Josephine Helton
Dustin and Leslie Helton announce the birth of their daughter, Mckenzie Josephine Helton, born March 9, 2023, at Sacred Heart Hospital. She weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz. and was 21” long.Her maternal grandparents are Wayne Cummings and Betty Dean. Paternal grandparents are Roger and Beverly Helton.She was welcomed home by big brother, Mason Helton, and big sister, Taylor Helton.
ECHS commencement addresses
Valedictorian’s address Shamirica Rankins Valedictorian Editor’s Note: This address was presented at the Escambia County High School Class of 2023 Commencement Exercises May 22, 2023. Good evening. first and foremost, I would like to thank God. Without Him I wouldn’t be able to stand up here with the breath I have today giving this speech. Everyone told me “Don’t wait till the last minute to write.”I want to thank my…
‘Hey there’
Atmore Public Library’s summer reading program kicked off Friday, June 2, with a packed house. Turtle Point Science Center Director Sierra Stiles, assisted by Jimmy Stiles, brought four friends for the kids to see and touch – a bullfrog, a snake, a turtle and a salamander. In this photo, the turtle seems to be waving hello to his new friend, Teman Crayton (held by his mom Teresa Crayton). Friday, June…