Pastor Edgar McCarthy, Altovise McNeil, Gasha Curry, Lucille Matthews, Celynn McCarthy, Michael Baldwin.
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Six church members were honored at Faith Tabernacle Holiness Church Saturday evening, February 25 – not just any church members, the revered senior citizens whose ages totaled 520 years.
Mother Ida Nell Baldwin – 98 years old
Mother Ceola Hubert – 92 years old
Minister McKinley Dailey – 87 years old
Mother Edna Grant – 81 years old
Mother Daisy Williams – 81 years old
Mother Velma Dailey – 81 years old.
All honorees with the exception of Ida Nell Baldwin were in attendance.
Pastor Edgar McCarthy noted they were being recognized not only for their age but for decades of service and leadership in the church in various positions and offices.
Family members were on hand to speak briefly about their loved ones.
Minister Michael Baldwin about his grandmother, Ida Nell Baldwin – “She always told me ‘Trust in the Lord. Whatever happens, trust in the Lord.” She also told him to read the Bible so he didn’t have to depend on anyone else for the Word of God. He could read it for himself.
Lucille Matthews about her mother, Ceola Hubert – Lucille said she never heard her mother curse or talk ugly about anybody. She is blessed to be surrounded by so many loved ones, but we are blessed to have her, she said. To her mother, Lucille said, “We are thankful for your guidance and wisdom, and for your words, ‘No matter where you go, take the Lord with you.’”
Celynn McCarthy spoke about her dad, McKinley Dailey – She said he is a strong man who loves his family. He’s 87 years old and will be 88 August 3. “I honor him today until God calls him home,” she said. Her mom is 84. The Daileys have been married for 52 years.
Larry Grant on his mother, Edna Grant – Larry said everybody thinks they have the number 1 mother, but he does in fact have the number 1 mother. “She instilled in us the Word of God,” he said. “She told us Christ Jesus is our health and strength.” To his mother, “Mama, thank you for instilling the Word of God into us.”
Gasha Curry on her mother, Daisy Williams – Gasha said each of the honorees had “poured into my life.” Ms. Curry raised five boys and one daughter. Gasha recounted when her mom contracted Covid. She remembers praying, “Lord, don’t take my mama.” She said it was rough for about a week, but “she’s sitting right over there.”
Gene Moore on his aunt, Velma Dailey – Gene said if we were in a court of law, Ms. Dailey would be found guilty – guilty of giving the shirt off her back to everyone. God did not bless her with a child, Gene said, but “she’s the best auntie I have. She reminds me of my mother, and today she has been elevated to the status of mother.” He thanked the Faith Tabernacle family for honoring her.
Shown are the honorees and those who spoke about them standing behind them. Larry Grant had to leave the service. His sister Altovise McNeil stood in for him.