News Staff Writer
Preceding Veterans Day, Escambia Academy held their program honoring those who have served in the armed forces and their families. The program, led by EA faculty member Brittany Parker, was open to any veterans in the student body’s families.
Crowds stood for the presentation of colors by Elizabeth Madden as Alexis Strength led the student body in the Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by a wonderful performance of the Star-Spangled Banner by EA Coach Carl Sellers.
The poem “Thirteen Folds” was read aloud by Bella Hadley as Danny Doerr and Courtney Richardson folded the colors along with the poem, which tells of the representation of each fold in a folded United States flag.
Veterans of Foreign Wars speaker Michael Parker gave words to the students about the importance of the sacrifice every veteran and their families make. He ended his speech making the point, “May we always remember the freedoms our veterans have secured for us.”
The memory table made up by the students was presented next by Poarcha Bailey. A candle, the centerpiece of the table, was lit to signify the memory of all the veterans who have passed to signify the memory of their spirit and service living on in each of us. This was followed by a moment of silence and prayer led by EA BETA Club President Tiffany Gookin.
Each branch was then honored for their service with a service song medley followed by closing remarks by Lillian Manac. A reception was held for students to meet the veterans who attended the program and to view the Honor Wall, a vigil of pictures and other memorabilia to honor the veterans of student families.