Don Fletcher

Alabama Lions 97th state convention here this week
Gideons By DON FLETCHERNews Staff Writer When Alabama Lions District 34-C held its convention in Atmore about four years ago, members of the local club went all out to impress attendees and make them feel welcome. Apparently, the effort was successful.Not only have officials of the state organization chosen the city as the spot where they will hold their 97th Annual Convention, which will take place this Thursday, April 28,…
US needs a stronger plan to grow our Navy
Congressman Jerry Carl With increasing threats around the globe – specifically from China and Russia – it is more important now than ever for the Department of the Navy to develop and implement a serious plan to ensure we have a fully-funded, strategic shipbuilding plan.Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and China’s growing naval power should serve as a serious wakeup call for the United States to examine our capabilities and our…
Boyle, Walton attend state AERA meeting
The annual Alabama Education Retirees Association was held in Montgomery April 19, with Governor Kay Ivey as the honored guest speaker. Representing Escambia County were Gwen Walton, left, Vice President of the County AERA, and Charlotte Boyle, right, President of the County AERA. They are shown with Robert Davis, past President of Alabama AERA.
Graham addresses Lions Club
Guest speaker Dave Graham By NANCY KARRICKSpecial to Atmore NewsThe Atmore Lions Club met on April 20, in the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital. Lion Taylor Lee, president, presided. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Lion Dr. Kevin Garrett gave the invocation.Besides the speaker, visitors were Katrinka Phillips and Lakisha Jones. Following discussion about the state convention which will be held in Atmore April 28-May 1, Lion…
Tuckers retire at Mt. Olive
Rev. and Sis. Tucker enter the standing-room only sanctuary. By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher You can bring in only so many chairs from the fellowship hall. You can have only so much space for folks to sit and stand. When you’re full to capacity and then some, you know it’s a special occasion. That was the case Sunday afternoon, April 24, as folks gathered at Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church to…