
Graham addresses Lions Club

Guest speaker Dave Graham

Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club met on April 20, in the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital. Lion Taylor Lee, president, presided. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Lion Dr. Kevin Garrett gave the invocation.
Besides the speaker, visitors were Katrinka Phillips and Lakisha Jones. Following discussion about the state convention which will be held in Atmore April 28-May 1, Lion Nancy Karrick introduced Dave Graham, the speaker for the meeting. Graham spoke to the group on the idea, development of plans, and implementation of a place in Alabama to give ashes of retired United States flags a final resting place. He showed the group slides of the entire process, from start to finish in a steel vault called Old Glory Lookout which is placed at the top of the mountain at Cheaha State Park in Delta, Alabama.
Eighteen members and guests enjoyed a delicious lasagna lunch and fellowship with fellow Lions.
The proposed slate of new officers was discussed and an online poll will be set up to elect those to serve in the next Lions Club year which begins in July.