Atmore News

Rotary donates to Pride of Atmore
At the regular meeting Tuesday, March 1, the Atmore Rotary Club presented a check to the Pride of Atmore for the downtown revitalization project at the Strand Theater and the old Atmore Hardware building. Shown at the presentation are, from left, Pride of Atmore directors Foster Kizer, Cindy Colville, Bub Gideons, Dale Ash, and Sandy Helton, Rotary Club President David Dobson and Rotary Club President-Elect Paul Oberkirch.
Spinks Megginson speaks to Lions Club
Spinks Megginson with Lion Anne Hetzel By NANCY KARRICKSpecial to Atmore News The Atmore Lions Club held its first meeting in March on March 2, in the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital. Lion Taylor Lee, President, called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Lion Dr. Kevin Garrett gave the invocation. Seventeen members and two guests enjoyed lasagna lunch which…
New arrivals at the library
Check out the new arrivals at Atmore Public Library. Patrons rate new arrivalsSeveral patrons are sharing their opinions of the new books they’ve read. Five stars is the top rating. Marianne Classen: Shadows of Swanford Abbey by Julie Klassen  5 stars Shelia Trawick: An Amish Quilting Bee by Amy Clipston  5 stars Sarah Hall: Bye, Bye, Baby by Robert Parker 4 stars Lacy McMath: Will by Will Smith  4 stars…
President Biden’s lies are an insult to the American people
Congressman Jerry Carl Americans across the country are frustrated and disappointed with President Biden’s performance for the past year, so it’s not surprising his approval ratings are at historic lows. Last week, President Biden gave his State of the Union Address, where he struck an optimistic tone and claimed numerous so-called “victories” he has scored during his first year in office. Despite this, the truth couldn’t be clearer: President Biden…