Escambia County School Superintendent Michele McClung implemented the Teacher of the Year initiative in public schools. The purpose of the Teacher of the Year is to “honor and recognize excellence in the teaching profession by identifying outstanding Alabama classroom teachers at local, district, and state levels.” Over the past week or so, teachers were surprised in their classrooms with presentations and gifts. In some cases, family members and central office personnel were present.
Escambia County Middle School
Tiffany Hobbs, a sixth-grade reading teacher, and Tyler Parker, who teaches 7th-grade math, were honored Friday, December 3, as Escambia County Middle School’s primary and secondary teachers of the year, respectively. Shown from left are Assistant Superintendent of Education Sandra Reid, ECMS Assistant Principal Heather Cook, Tiffany Hobbs, Tyler Parker and ECMS Assistant Principal Yolonda Walters.
Escambia County High School
Anna Michelle Wheeler was teaching her math class when principal Amy Cabaniss surprised her with the ECHS Teacher of the Year award. The honoree’s parents and several Escambia County Schools (ECS) personnel were on hand as well. Shown are, from left, ECS Deputy of Operations Shaun Goolsby; ECHS Assistant Principal Leslie Sellers; ECHS Teacher of the Year Anna Michelle Wheeler and her mom, Beth Juck; back, ECS Director of Career and Technical Education Jacob Butler; ECS Secondary Supervisor Jason Weeks; ECS Elementary Supervisor Nicole Spottswood; ECS Attendance Supervisor Kike Pettaway; ECHS Assistant Principal Kevin Everett; honoree’s dad Mike Juck; ECHS Principal Amy Cabaniss.
Rachel Patterson Elementary School
Allison Brooks was surprised not only by her principal, Toy McMillian, but also by several family members and friends as she was presented with the Teacher of the Year award. Shown are, from left, Toya McMillian, Jim Staff, Julie McDonald, Chuck Brooks, Katie Brooks, Ethan Brooks (back), Rene Godwin, Norris Brooks )(back), Zach Brooks, Allison Brooks, Matt Malette, Tina Brooks Allison’s mom), Not pictured is Allison’s dad, Scott Brooks.
Huxford Elementary School Huxford Elementary Teacher of the Year Cheyanne Ikner, left, wears many hats. Among them are librarian and media specialist, but she does much more. Making the presentation is principal Leah Fuqua, at right.