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Huxford Elementary School Principal Leah Fuqua and several members of her faculty and staff hosted the county Board of Education’s regular meeting at the school Thursday, February 18.
Chairwoman Cindy Jackson called the meeting to order and expressed the board’s appreciation to the HES staff for hosting. In the early part of each year, the board holds meetings at schools around the county rather than in Brewton.
The meeting opened with board member Mike Edwards sharing comments about baseball great Hank Aaron and conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, both recently deceased. A moment of silence was observed in their memory.
Superintendent John Knott recognized Escambia County Schools’ Lead Nurse Stephanie Alaniz for her extraordinary work and dedication in response to the COVID pandemic. (See related article page 4A, this edition of Atmore News.)
The board and audience were treated to a demonstration by several members of the HES archery team. The team has won several trophies through the years, and their demonstration showed why. Archery coaches are Alice White and John Russell Smith.
The board approved the following personnel recommendations by Superintendent Knott.
1. Tiffany Gideons, custodian, W.S. Neal Elementary School, effective February 19, 2021
2. Sara Lowery, bus driver, Brewton Bus Shop, effective February 22, 2021
1. Wayne Marshall, elementary teacher, Escambia County Middle School, effective January 27, 2021 (replacing Lindsey Morgan)
2. Brandy Turner, elementary teacher, Escambia County Middle School, effective February 22, 2021 (replacing Brittany Linam)
3. Brenda Samuel, 7-hour lunchroom worker, W.S. Neal High School, effective February 8, 2021 (replacing Minnie Hassell)
4. William Vigor, Public Safety CTE teacher, Escambia Career Readiness Center, effective March 1, 2021 (replacing Samuel Branden Barlow)
5. Wanda Waldrop, transportation secretary / bookkeeper, Brewton Bus Shop, effective February 22, 2021 (replacing Linda Gibson)
6. Rheanna Thomas, special needs bus aide, Brewton Bus Shop, effective February 22, 2021 (replacing Tammy Nelson)
7. Lauren Kirn, teacher, Title I After School Program, Escambia County Middle School, effective January 11, 2021
8. Tyler Parker, teacher, Title I After School Program, Escambia County Middle School, effective January 11, 2021
9. Marcia Adams, teacher, Title I After School Program, Escambia County Middle School, effective January 11, 2021
10. Tamara Banks, teacher, After School Program, Escambia County Middle School, effective February 1, 2021 (paid with school donations)
11. Camille Minaya, teacher, After School Program, Escambia County Middle School, effective February 2, 2021 (paid with school donations)
12. Amber Leigh Ann Rowland, teacher, Title I After School Program, Flomaton Elementary School, effective February 16, 2021
13. Meagan Stewart, teacher, Title I After School Program, Flomaton Elementary School, effective February 16, 2021
14. Melanie Rowland, instructional aide, Title I After School Program, Flomaton Elementary School, effective February 16, 2021
15. Audrey Byrd, substitute teacher, Title I After School Program, Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective February 1, 2021
16. Rachael Knowles, substitute teacher, Title I After School Program, Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective February 1, 2021
17. Tracy Burch, substitute teacher, Title I After School Program, Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective February 1, 2021
18. Amanda Chavers, substitute instructional aide, Title I After School Program, Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective February 1, 2021
19. Candice Carnley, substitute instructional aide, Title I After School Program, Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective February 1, 2021
20. Alice Wolters, teacher, Title I After School Program, Rachel Patterson Elementary School, effective February 23, 2021
21. Angela Davis, teacher, Title I After School Program, Rachel Patterson Elementary School, effective February 23, 2021
22. Jennifer Blaney, teacher, Title I After School Program, W.S. Neal Middle School, effective February 22, 2021
23. Ashley Knowles, teacher, Title I After School Program, W.S. Neal Middle School, effective February 22, 2021
24. Sandra Barrow, teacher, Title I After School Program, W.S. Neal Middle School, effective February 22, 2021
25. Allison Murphy, instructional aide, Title I After School Program, W.S. Neal Middle School, effective February 22, 2021
26. Cody Dixon, teacher, Title I After School Program, W.S. Neal High School, effective February 23, 2021
27. Allie Rush, teacher, Title I After School Program, W.S. Neal High School, effective February 23, 2021
Employment change
1. Rhecy Currie, instructional aide (185 day contract), Escambia County Middle School, to elementary teacher (187 day contract), Escambia County Middle School, effective March 18, 2021 (replacing Annette McKey)
2. Minnie Hassell, 7-hour lunchroom worker (185 day contract), W.S. Neal High School, to custodian (202 day contract), W.S. Neal High School, effective February 1, 2021 (replacing Katie Clay)
3. Betty Johnson, bus driver, Brewton Bus Shop, to special needs bus driver, Brewton Bus Shop, effective February 22, 2021 (replacing Linda Gibson)
Temporary employment
1. Samuel Branden Barlow, Law and Public Safety Instructor Mentor / Testing Agent, Escambia Career Readiness Center, effective February 22, 2021
through June 9, 2021 (Rate of pay $200 per full day / $100 per half day for a maximum of 46 days