Special to Atmore News
American Legion Post 90 held our first on-site meeting since February of this year. On June 16, eleven members met to begin actions focused on moving the post forward for the remainder of 2020 and beyond. Yes, I must say it was a bit uncomfortable having our “high-risk” members gathered to conduct Post business. We did have masks and sanitizer available for everyone and asked that members respect social distancing guidelines.
The biggest agenda item was installation of our new officers and announcement of the continuation of service for many officer positions. Billy Elder, our newest Past Commander, acting in his District Officer role, installed Dave Graham as our new Post 90 Commander, and Joel Mackety as our new 2nd Vice-Commander. Please see the July issue of “atmore” magazine for some more information about our new commander.
The following is a complete list of officers with positions for the coming year:
Commander – Dave Graham
Adjutant / Finance Officer / Public Relations – Paul Chason
1st Vice: Recently vacated
2nd Vice: Joel Mackety
Chaplain: Jack Wright
Veterans Service Officer: Mike Hanks
Sergeant-at-Arms: Leo Odom
Legal: Kevin Mckinley
Historian: Vacant
A reminder, the new American Legion membership year begins July 1, 2020. Hopefully, our members have received notifications for renewal. National and Departments are also running behind because of closures and cancellations from COVID-19 precautions and guidelines.
Our next meeting is July 21 at 1 p.m. We hope you can attend and meet our new officers.
Paul Chason is Adjutant and Finance Officer, American Legion Post 90.