Community News

Big change for Billy Glenn Rushing Post 90

A belated Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Welcome to 2020 from Billy Glenn Rushing Post 90! Many people hope for change with each New Year, with high expectations that change will bring a better life, more money, better health, and a wide assortment of wishes and desires. Resolutions come and go, with many resolutions quickly becoming a faded memory. American Legion Post 90 made a change for 2020!
Yep, something new and we hope beneficial for our current members and maybe some new members. Mark your calendars: the monthly meeting time changes to the third Tuesday of every month at 1 p.m., effective January 21.
We changed our meeting time to make it safer for our “senior” members who have increasing difficulties driving after dark. We also hope after the meeting you may choose to chill out for a while and play checkers, cribbage, dominoes, and, in the future, darts.
There is another potential benefit, members can visit the SAIL center for a wonderful lunch before the meeting to socialize with old and maybe some new friends. Our change also increases our opportunity to use our new griddle as the afternoons get longer.
What about our business members? Maybe y’all will see the benefit of coming to our once-a-month afternoon meetings, to renew your interest, and become more active in our Post. You won’t have to make the trip back to town after leaving for the day!
American Legion Membership rules have changed too! Only one day of Honorable Federal Service is required to become a member of the American Legion. Please check the link for details:
We believe our change will not become a faded memory!
Welcome to 2020!

Paul Chason is Post Adjutant, American Legion Post 90.