Several months ago I made this note on my calendar for Monday, April 24: “ACM last PTO meeting.” ACM is, of course, A.C. Moore Elementary School.
When I made that note, I was thinking the last PTO meeting of the school year. I didn’t realize at the time how prophetic that note might be. This could have been the last PTO program ever at A.C. Moore Elementary. If Superintendent of Education John Knott and the Board of Education move ahead with consolidation, this might be the last year at ACM.
The fourth grade was in charge of the program and presented a very entertaining talent show with a lot of good singing and dancing.
At the end of the program, the moderator, Kayla Bynum, said, “No matter what the future holds for A.C. Moore, we had the time of our lives.”
All the performers came together and sang along with “We Had the Time of Our Lives” (recording by Tyrone Wells).
The first two lines of the song are, “This is where the chapter ends, A new one now begins.”
In his final remarks of the evening, ACM Principal John Brantley told the families, “Regardless where we are next year, our students will be in good hands.”