Congressman Bradley ByrneSubmitted Article

Congratulating our service academy nominees
By Congressman Bradley Byrne America’s Armed Forces are made up of young men and women who bravely answered the call of service and have accepted the challenge of defending our great nation. As a Member of Congress, I have the distinct privilege each year of nominating outstanding young individuals from Southwest Alabama to attend our nation’s military service academies. This process of nominating the next generation of servicemen and women…
Funding our government
By Congressman Bradley Byrne There is no more important function of the federal government than to provide for our common defense. Unfortunately, for nearly seven years, Democrats have held funding for our military hostage, and as a result, we are facing a serious readiness crisis in our military. We have planes unable to fly and ships that cannot sail. A lack of proper resources has resulted in a loss of servicemember lives…
Defending religious freedom
By Congressman Bradley Byrne Each year, during Holy Week, Christians gather in the pews to remember the death and crucifixion of Jesus and celebrate his resurrection. As we retell the story of the Passion and celebrate Easter, we count our many blessings and profess our faith as Christians. For many Americans, Easter marks a time of reflection and celebration spent with family members. It can be easy to take for granted…
Making Congress work again
By Congressman Bradley Byrne Anyone who has followed Congress over the last twenty years knows that things have been pretty dysfunctional. While I believe our Founding Fathers intended for the Legislative Branch to be deliberative, I think they would be troubled by how broken things have become. One of the top drivers of the dysfunction is the budget and government funding process. Did you know that the last time Congress…
Workplace safety always a top priority
By Congressman Bradley Byrne No matter the size of the business, the number of workers it employs, or the industry it supports, workplace safety is the responsibility and should be a chief priority of all businesses. Every worker deserves a safe and healthy workplace. As Chairman of the House Workforce Protections Subcommittee, I recently convened a hearing to examine the role of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in…