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Obituaries for the week of January 25, 2017
Ronnie Lamar Hayes Mr. Ronnie Lamar Hayes, age 60, passed away Tuesday, January 17, 2017 in Milton, Fla. He was a native of Greenville, Ala. and a resident of Century, Fla. for most of his life. He served in the U.S. Navy. He was an avid fisherman and helped others in need. He was a member of the New Life Fellowship Church. He was preceded in death by his grandmother,…
YLA learns about the history and cultures of Atmore
By LAUREN METZLER Special to Atmore News Did you know a man named William Carney is considered to be the “Father of Atmore?” Do you know why Atmore’s middle school was once called a training school or when the Thanksgiving Pow-Wow began? Our Youth Leadership Atmore class found the answers to these questions and others as we learned about the history and culture of Atmore on Wednesday, January 11. We…
Benefit set for NHS student
Northview High School student Cade Allen went to Orlando during Christmas break to have surgery. During the procedure, the doctor nicked an artery. Cade has been in the hospital ever since and most of that time he has been in serious condition. To help with mounting medical bills, Northview students and faculty are holding a softball tournament to help pay some of those costs. Cade’s Benefit Softball Tournament is set for February…
Hunting enthusiasts not deterred
It used to be that the only connection between a wheelchair-bound or physically disabled person and the sport of deer hunting was a wish that he or she could be a part of it. Not anymore. Thanks in large part to a couple of Flomaton outdoorsmen who found themselves confined to wheelchairs, male and female hunting enthusiasts from the surrounding area who are in a similar situation can still participate…
Atmore Affiliate Fund established
It won’t happen right away, but if things go as planned, Atmore and Escambia County groups seeking financial grants will have, in the relatively near future, a local “clearing house” from which they can seek supplemental funding for generations to come. Rebecca Byrne, president and chief executive officer of The Community Foundation of South Alabama, made public during last week’s meeting of the Atmore Lions Club that an “affiliate fund”…