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NDOP Committee begins work
The local National Day of Prayer Committee held their first meeting Thursday, February 16, in preparation for this year’s event on May 4. Plans include more activities for children who may attend with their parents. Adults will be in the Escambia County High School Cornell Torrence Gymnasium for the prayer service and Bible reading. Shown are, from left, JoAnn Martin, Dale Ash, Thelma Powers, Edna Powers, Linda Godwin, Mary Stanley.…
Youth attend ACYC
Several area youth attended the Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Conference in Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach, Feb. 17-19. Shown is the combined group from St. Robert Bellarmine Church in Atmore and St. Agatha of Bay Minette, from left, front, Pia Gorme, Abby Oestriecher, Jocie Franco, Esmeralda Franco (St. Francis Xavier Seelos award recipient); middle, Susan Moorhead, Janel Ostriecher, Archbishop Thomas Rodi, Seth Murphy, Paolo Gorme, Evan White, Melissa Murphy; back,…
Trinity Episcopal invites all to pancake supper
By BONNIE BARTEL LATINO Special to Atmore News The Men of Trinity Episcopal Church invite the community to their annual community-wide Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 28, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. In addition to hot pancakes with syrup, sausage, and coffee, juice will be served. The cost at the door will be $3 and half-price for children under the age of 12. The word shrove is derived…
Mt. Olive hosting special program
Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church will host a program entitled “Soap-Opera Subjects With Biblical Meaning,” with panel speakers, Friday, March 10, 7:30 p.m. Eva Elouise  Smith-Sprueil, Greater Mt. Triumph Baptist Church, will serve as Mistress of Ceremony. Program Coordinator and Chair is Sis. Barbara Poole Harris. The Rev. Dr. Monroe Tucker, Jr. is pastor of Mt. Olive, located on Pouncey Road in Robinsonville.
Liberty MBC to hold pastor’s anniversary
Liberty Missionary Baptist Church extends an invitation to all area churches to share in the Seventh Year Pastor’s Anniversary Sunday, February 26, 3 p.m. Liberty MBC Presiding Minister and Pastor is Elder Isaac Bradley Sr. The theme is “Pressing On the Upward Way” (Psalm 40:2). Guest speaker and guest church will be the Rev. Dr. Michael Wilson and Mt. Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church, Atmore. All area churches are invited. Please…