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S.P.R.A.G. holds financial workshop
Single Parents Raising A Gift (S.P.R.A.G.) conducted a financial workshop last Saturday (April 1) at Atmore Public Library for people interested in housing by Habitat for Humanity. Lisa Tindell, Director for Escambia County Habitat for Humanity, and Dierdre Knight, Credit Repair Specialist, provided valuable information to those who attended. Shown are, from left, S.P. R.A.G. CEO and founder Carolyn Bradley, Lisa Tindell, Escambia County DHR Supervisor Stephanie Paul, Dierdre Knight, Gloria Robinson…
Remembering SGT Elmer Jack Taylor
By MICKEY POWELL Special to Atmore News We are remembering SGT Elmer Jack Taylor, U.S. Army, from Atmore, killed March 30, 1966, 51 years ago. You have served Christ well, young man. You were only 26 years old and served “C” 1st./28th 1st Infantry Division as a combat infantryman in a war ravaged little country called Vietnam. You served your country holding your head higher than we do today. Only…
Join the Arbor Day Foundation – Get 10 free shade trees
National Arbor Day is Friday, April 28, this year, and the Arbor Day Foundation is making it easy for anyone to celebrate the annual tree-planting holiday. Join the Foundation in April and receive 10 free shade trees. By joining the Foundation in April, new members receive the following trees: red oak, sugar maple, weeping willow, baldcypress, thornless honeylocust, pin oak, river birch, tuliptree, silver maple, and red maple. The free…
Food scores released
The following Escambia County food / lodging establishment ratings were released by the Alabama Department of Public Health for March. Ratings are ranked by score, low to high. FSE = Food Service Establishment McDonald’s, 464 South Blvd., Brewton, 88, FSE Circle K #2721575, 400 Forrest Ave., East Brewton, 88, FSE Acapulco Mexican Restaurant (A), Atmore, 88, FSE George’s Old Time BBQ, Brewton, 89, FSE Pic N Save #773 – Deli,…