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Stopping religious persecution
By Congressman Bradley Byrne This past week, Christians around the world celebrated Holy Week, which culminated on Sunday with Easter. This is a time when we gather with our family and friends to remember the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter is about reflecting on the events that led to this treasured weekend. It is about remembering that Jesus was not just an extraordinary individual but he was…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers We in the Deep South have a unique history of political theatrics. The only northern states that rival our colorfulness are New Jersey and Illinois. In those two states you are expected to be corrupt, especially Chicago. Our most colorful southern state has always been Louisiana. The parishes and bayous of the Pelican State gave us Huey Long and other characters. No other states can hold a…
Ivey brightens state board meeting
By Larry Lee When Kay Ivey became governor earlier last week, she also became chair of the state board of education by virtue of her office. This, plus the fact that she once taught school, was ample reason for her to attend the state board meeting on April 13. And though she was unable to stay very long, the governor did address the board and the audience with a message of…
Being Southern by the signs
By Harvey H. (“Hardy”) Jackson Remember when they busted Miss Cleo, the Jamaican psychic whose “hotline” offered free “supernatural insight into love and money.” Under pressure from the Federal Trade Commission the two companies that ran her operation agreed to shut down, pay a fine, and forgive some $500 million in customer bills. $500 million??? Wasn’t that insight supposed to be free? Well, according to the FTC, Miss Cleo (who…
Mayfest almost here
Mark your calendar for Mayfest Saturday, May 6. First on the schedule is the Mayfest Walk-Run-Roll 5K at 8 a.m., hosted by Grace Fellowship. You can pick up a registration form at Grace Fellowship or at the Chamber office. Pre-registration is $20 by April, 26. After that date the cost is $25. One of the most popular events at Mayfest is the Beautiful Baby contest for ages three months to…