NewsDon Fletcher

Bid awarded for access road
Atmore City Council members swept through a two-item agenda in less than five minutes Monday (February 13), accepting a bid for construction of the industrial access road to the new Brown Precision factory and giving the green light to another parade. The council, short one member due to the illness of District 3’s Chris Walker, unanimously approved a resolution to accept the bid submitted by Grady Ralls & Sons to…
Ribbon cutting held
A ribbon cutting was held at Tax Pro Elite Friday, February 3. Several Chamber of Commerce board members, Chamber Ambassadors and friends joined owner April Lambert for the event. Shown are, from left, front, Trae Lee, Eli Godwin, David Dobson, Paolo Gorme, Kainoa Gumapac, Jessica Franco, Makala Lee, David Weber; back, Silas Seamans, Brandy Giger, Bub Gideons, Myrna Monroe, Yolanda Giles, April Lambert, Chris Singleton, Brittney Brooks, Donna Gilman, Mallorie…
Baseball registration set
Atmore Cal Ripken Baseball registration will be held Saturday, February 11, and continue each Saturday through February 25 at Atmore City Hall Auditorium from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. You may register at Murray Johnson Insurance, 105 E. Louisville Avenue, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., during weekdays. T-Ball – ages 4 through 6 Pitching machine – ages 7 & 8 10 & under – ages 9 & 10 12…
UB offers free tax preparation and filing assistance
United Bank announced it will again offer free tax preparation and filing assistance to residents across its footprint as part of the Internal Revenue Service’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program or VITA. VITA sites will be available at the bank’s Atmore, Foley and Frisco City locations through April 14, with services available to individuals and families with total 2016 incomes of $54,000 or less. In its fifth year, United Bank…
Food scores released
The following Escambia County food / lodging establishment ratings were released by the Alabama Department of Public Health for January. Ratings are ranked by score, low to high. FSE = Food Service Establishment Huddle House #278, Brewton, 80, FSE Diamond #6 1322, E. Nashville Ave., Atmore, 88, limited food McDonalds #33548, 5995 Hwy. 21, Atmore, 88, FSE Subway # 18898 (F), Flomaton, 90, FSE Fastlane Convenience Store, Atmore, 90, FSE…