NewsDon Fletcher

Who’s running?
A special December 12 statewide election, primarily staged to fill one of two Alabama seats in the U.S. Senate, will provide political observers with a little excitement prior to the new year. But the three-man statewide senate race and a scattering of contests for other statewide seats will be little more than a warmup to what is almost guaranteed to be a 2018 season of heated and heavily contested state…
Drug abuse accounts for most social ills
Ask most any individual who works within the local criminal justice system what he or she thinks is the biggest catalyst for crime, and each answers pretty much the same. With little hesitation, each agrees that most of society’s ills can be traced back to the use of illegal drugs and the abuse of legal drugs. “In most crimes we have, in some way drugs are a part of the…
Small but enthusiastic crowd for Stomp the Yard
There weren’t nearly as many youngsters stomping across the grounds of Houston Avery Park last Saturday (November 4) as there traditionally are when Destiny Worship Center presents its annual Stomp the Yard Youth Day. But those who did tread the park’s confines did so with gusto. Laughter and squeals of delight could be heard throughout the neighborhoods surrounding the municipal park as about 100 children, from toddlers to teens, came…
National Hospice and Palliative Care Month
To most people, the thought of hospice care is a frightening one, an admission that they or a loved one are at life’s end. Even those in the hospice business admit that there is a stigma attached to the entrance of hospice into a patient’s medical care package. But those same professionals also point out that such thoughts, while to some degree justifiable, are built upon misconception and fear. “I…
Williams Station Day … Brrrrrrr (With photo gallery added)
It’s the same Saturday every year. The date is set. The weather is not. So, we take what comes when Atmore becomes Williams Station for the fourth Saturday every October. This year we had rain and cold and wind – not the best scenario for Williams Station Day, but a celebration of our heritage nonetheless. Opening ceremonies were held in a light rain with temps in the 40s. The rain…