EditorialSubmitted Article

Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers Since we are in the midst of an election for a U.S. Senator, let me share the story of one of the most prestigious congressional families in Alabama history. The Bankheads of Jasper would likely be the most prominent political family in Alabama political lore. More than likely there has never been a father serve as one of Americas most powerful U.S. Senators while their son, William…
Taking the miracle out of the Miracle Strip
By Harvey H. (“Hardy”) Jackson Took a trip down memory lane the other day. Drove along what Panama City Beach promoters used to call The Miracle Strip Parkway. Or at least they did back when the road took visitors to The Miracle Strip Amusement Park. Which isn’t there anymore. But a lot of you remember when it was. Back before the completion of I-65, which funnels so many Alabama tourists…
What Memorial Day really means
By Congressman Bradley Byrne Ryan Owens was like many other high school students at Illinois Valley Central High School. He was a huge sports fan and excellent athlete who played on different teams throughout his childhood. Unlike other high school students, Ryan did not spend his time preparing for college or the workforce. Instead, he dreamed of something bigger than that. He dreamed of becoming a Navy SEAL. As one…
I will not run for U.S. Senate
By Larry Lee As we know, Alabama will hold a special election this year to fill the vacancy left when Senator Jeff Sessions was picked by President Trump as his Attorney General. When such happens, the governor has the authority to pick a successor. So Governor Robert Bentley, you remember him don’t you, interviewed a long list of hopefuls and settled on Attorney General Luther Strange. And though many believed Bentley and…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers  As the race for our open U.S. Senate seat begins, let’s look at the lay of the land. First-of-all it will be a sprint. The race is upon us with the primaries on August 15 and the run-off six weeks later on September 26. The Republican primary victor will be coronated on December 12. We, in the Heart of Dixie, are a one party state when it…