EditorialSherry Digmon

What ever happened to … ?
What I’m about to write could be said about almost any restaurant anywhere; I happened to be in a Pensacola restaurant when the idea for this column took hold. As I looked around the room, I noticed a couple of men with caps on. In the restaurant. At the table. As they were eating. Now, this is not the first time I’ve seen this and not just in Pensacola. It’s…
Mother made holidays special
By Nina Keenam My mother went to her heavenly home in 2005, but Christmas holidays especially bring her to mind. For years after my daddy passed away, she loaded her car with gifts and goodies and headed to our house to spend Christmas with my family. Those visits lasted about two weeks. When we saw her packing up to return home, we always protested, but to no avail. She said…
Packrat habit reveals treasure chest from the past
By Nina Keenam My mother was a packrat. So am I. I find that when I try to give my home office a good cleaning, it looks more cluttered than when I start. Piles of papers wind up on every available space. Sometimes I just give up and leave it for a day or two. I have a hard time throwing things away. Recently in one of the stacks I…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers At the close of each year, my tradition is to acknowledge the passing away of significant political leaders from the political stage in our beloved state. We lost some icons this year. As I sit in my office writing this yearend column, pictures of two of my favorite friends and legends adorn my walls. The photos of Governor Albert Brewer and Congressman Jim Martin look down at…
I ain’t making this up
By Harvey H. (“Hardy”) Jackson Roy Blount, Jr. (the funniest man alive) in Roy Blount’s Book of Southern Humor (the funniest book ever put together) tells a story he got from Loyal Jones. (Stealing is OK as long as you give credit to the one you stole it from, which, you will note, is what I am doing right here.) It goes something like this – actually it goes exactly…