EditorialSubmitted Article

Trying to reason with ‘Snowbird’ season
By Harvey H. (“Hardy”) Jackson Down on the coast, locals are getting ready for the Spring Break invasion. Which means Snowbird season is almost over. “Snowbirds” – a name that was once spoken in derision that has now become a term of endearment – at least among coastal Chambers of Commerce and Tourist Development Councils. Snowbirds are the consequence of a carefully crafted promotional campaign aimed at middle-class retirees from…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers When talk turns to politics in Alabama, it usually leads to the Governor’s race. In Alabama politics the Governor’s office is the Brass Ring. It is talked about more than anything else around coffee clubs and kitchen tables from Sand Mountain to the Wiregrass. It is comparable to college football being the king of all sports in Alabama. This infatuation with the Governor’s office is born out…
Park’s success depends on public (Letter to the Editor)
To the editor: The Alabama Forestry Commission reopened Little River State Park and the Claude D. Kelley Recreational Area on March 17, 2018 for day use on weekends. The operation of the park has been a funding issue for the last several years. Ironman Ministries operated the park for the Alabama Forestry Commission for six years ending on January 1, 2017. They were unable to continue because of financial issues.…
If they open it, will we come?
Thursday afternoon, March 8, I drove out to Little River State Park and met Gary Cole for an interview about the park’s reopening. If you grew up here, you probably have fond memories of the park. As I drove along the narrow road leading into the main area of the park, I felt a little of the excitement I felt as a kid. Carload of kinfolks, probably a picnic lunch…
Making Congress work again
By Congressman Bradley Byrne Anyone who has followed Congress over the last twenty years knows that things have been pretty dysfunctional. While I believe our Founding Fathers intended for the Legislative Branch to be deliberative, I think they would be troubled by how broken things have become. One of the top drivers of the dysfunction is the budget and government funding process. Did you know that the last time Congress…