CommunityAtmore News

Food scores released
The following Escambia County food / lodging establishment ratings were released by the Alabama Department of Public Health for April. Ratings are ranked by score, low to high. FSE = Food Service Establishment Lil Angels Infants and Toddlers, Atmore, 82, daycare food service Maw Maw’s Country Kitchen, Flomaton, 85, FSE McDonald’s, S. Main St., Atmore, 87, FSE Country Club of Brewton, 90, FSE Diamond #23, Hwy. 21 N., Atmore, 90,…
New doc in town
Morning and afternoon receptions were held at Atmore Community Hospital Tuesday, April 25, to welcome Atmore’s newest physician – surgeon Heather Bright, D.O. Shown at the morning reception are, from left, Suzanne McGill, ACH Director of Nursing; the Rev. Al Williams, Escambia County Alabama Community Hospitals board member; Sherri Wall, Director of Surgery for Infirmary Health; Brian Bruley, Clinics Director.
Show to benefit GSHS band – Band recovering after parade tragedy
A musical benefit for the Gulf Shores High School marching band will be held Friday, April 28, at 6:30 p.m., in the South Campus auditorium of Gulf Shores United Methodist Church in the Winn Dixie plaza, Route 59, Gulf Shores. Tickets at $10 per person are now available at Ribs and Reds, Gulf Shores UMC, the Gulf Shores High School office or at the door. Sponsored by Ribs and Reds…
Athletes enjoy Super Fun Day
As the athletes got off the buses and headed toward the gym, cheers went up. Volunteers lined the walkway and applauded and sometimes exchanged a high five with athletes. It was Friday morning, April 21, and excitement was high was athletes from the public schools in Escambia County gathered at Escambia County High School Cornell Torrence Gym for Super Fun Day (a special day for a special population of students).…