CommunityDon Fletcher

Campers participate in bus evacuation drill
When asked how they spent their summer vacation, at least eight local students will be able to say they learned a survival skill they hope they’ll never have to use. The eight, participants in Atmore Area YMCA’s summer camp program, got a hands-on demonstration on the various ways to exit a bus if it turned over or if an emergency situation arose in which exit through the front door was…
Expo offered something for everyone
The Breaking Chains Expo held Saturday, July 15, held a two-fold purpose. It serves as a means for We Care Chaplain Frank Gossett to raise funds to support his prison ministry. It’s also an opportunity for shoppers to pick up some neat items and vendors to peddle their wares. This year’s event featured an unusual visitor – Santa. Although it was sweltering outside, Santa showed up. In fact, he said…
ACH Auxiliary presents scholarship
Each year, Atmore Community Hospital Auxiliary presents two scholarships to local students in the medical field. This year, one of the recipients is Kate Smith, who is studying biomedical engineering specializing in tissue engineering at UAB. Shown at the presentation Wednesday, July 12, are, from left, Glenda Lowry, Kate Smith, Thelma Grant and Linda Ellison.
Luncheon benefits the Strand
The Save the Strand Committee hosted a salad luncheon Monday, July 17, in the Atmore Area YMCA library. Proceeds benefit ongoing repair and renovation of the Strand Theater. The luncheon was organized by Myrna Monroe and included salads of every description. “There are not enough words to thank all who so willingly donated salads to make this project a success,” Myrna said. “ ‘Only in Atmore’ do folks respond to…