
Luncheon benefits the Strand

Enjoying lunch, from left, Brandy Giger, Greg Davis and Glen Davis

The Save the Strand Committee hosted a salad luncheon Monday, July 17, in the Atmore Area YMCA library. Proceeds benefit ongoing repair and renovation of the Strand Theater.

The luncheon was organized by Myrna Monroe and included salads of every description.

“There are not enough words to thank all who so willingly donated salads to make this project a success,” Myrna said. “ ‘Only in Atmore’ do folks respond to a call for help and we, the committee members, thank you. And to Paul Chason and the YMCA, what can we say but ‘Thanks again.’ “

Folks from First National Bank & Trust, United Band and Gulf Winds Credit Union so willingly supported the luncheon that ticket sales to the public were not needed.

Good food and good conversation, from left, Dawn Skipper, Donna Gilman, Cyndi Vaughn and Hannah Johnson.