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Biden admin forced to walk back its war on American energy
Congressman Jerry Carl One of President Biden’s first actions when he took office was banning new oil and gas lease sales on federal lands and waters. This moratorium on new leases in federal waters has been particularly devastating to south Alabama and the Gulf Coast region. These actions resulted in the cancellation of scheduled lease sales under the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA) program, which provides critical revenue…
Escambia County Schools teamwork pays off
By RANDY TATANO Six months into the school year, Escambia County Schools have a very different feel. With a new Superintendent, new School Board President and a new slogan “We Are One,” everyone is on the same page.So many programs, systems, and educational strategies have improved, the slogan may as well be “We Are New.”From a high-tech security system to an agriculture facility to innovative vocabulary teaching techniques, Escambia County…
Biden gives green light for illegal immigrants to flood the southern border
Congressman Jerry Carl President Biden’s policies have made every community in America a border city, and deadly fentanyl is flowing across the southern border and into communities all over the country. Even worse, fentanyl overdoses have become the number one cause of death for Americans between 18 and 45 years old.This Administration’s policies and their refusal to enforce our immigration laws is a direct threat to the health and safety…
Biden misses the mark on defense spending
Congressman Jerry Carl Every year, the President of the United States puts forth a budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year. While a president’s budget proposal is largely symbolic, it shows Americans what the top priorities are for the administration.Typically, the president’s budget proposal is rolled out in February each year, but it has been significantly delayed yet again. Just last week, President Biden put forth his budget proposal for…
Federal government bureaucrats need accountability
Congressman Jerry Carl Most of you are probably familiar with the phrase “drain the swamp.” Before I got elected, I knew the federal government was out of control and needed some big changes, but I had no idea how bad the problem truly is. For years, unelected bureaucrats have enjoyed huge amounts of power and control over our lives without much – if any – accountability for their actions. I…