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Federal strings make future uncertain for red snapper anglers
Congressman Jerry Carl Although several states currently have an open private boat recreational red snapper season, it appears red snapper seasons all along the Gulf Coast will come to an uneventful close for most anglers in 2021. For the most part, the states managed their private boat recreational seasons largely as predicted with months of free access to great fishing opportunities for anglers.Unfortunately, 2021 may be the last “normal” season…
Fighting for Alabama’s farmers
Congressman Jerry Carl Whether you grew up in Alabama like I did or just moved here, it’s no secret agriculture is a huge part of Alabama’s DNA. In fact, agriculture is the largest industry in the entire state. I’ve always been proud of Alabama’s immense contributions to clothing and feeding people all over America, as well as all over the world. During my time in Congress, I’ve had many opportunities…
Biden’s war on the American worker
Congressman Jerry Carl Earlier this year, I made the decision to get my COVID vaccine after speaking with my doctor. The rest of my family followed suit, and I have repeatedly encouraged anyone who has questions about the vaccine or is unsure to speak with his or her doctor. I strongly believe the vaccine is the best tool we have to put this pandemic behind us, but I adamantly oppose…
Washington’s dysfunction was on full display last week
Congressman Jerry Carl The federal government is not known for being particularly productive or efficient at solving problems. The truth is, Washington often creates more problems and more chaos than it solves. The past few weeks – and especially last week – are a prime example of this.For the better part of this year, Democrats in the House and Senate have been working on two major pieces of legislation. The…
President Biden uses disinformation to distract from leadership failures
Congressman Jerry Carl For months now, I have been making the point that liberal politicians in Washington love creating crisis after crisis to distract the American people from what’s really happening. We’ve seen this time and time again with the Biden Administration – each time something has gone wrong, the administration has stirred up a new crisis to draw everyone’s attention to something new. The crisis at our southern border…