Submitted Article

A bipartisan vote to stand with Israel
By Congressman Bradley Byrne The United States has no stronger ally than Israel. Our relationship has always been strong, both economically and militarily. Israel plays an especially important role in helping us combat radical Islamic terrorism in the Middle East. In other words, Israel serves as a beacon of hope, freedom, and opportunity in a very dangerous part of the world. That is why support for Israel has always been…
All the news that’s fit to fake
By Harvey H. (“Hardy”) Jackson The biggest thing in the news lately has been fake news. Or as the more simple among us calls it, lies. Now I am not talking about satire – the things people make up to be funny while at the same time make you think, which you might not want to do, but if you read good satire you can’t help but think. If it…
January concerts at GSUMC
The January concert schedule at Gulf Shores United Methodist Church is filled with great artists and memorable tunes for area listeners of all ages. Tickets for all shows are now available in Thee Coffee Shop at the GSUMC south campus in the Winn Dixie shopping plaza on Route 59 or call the church office at 251-968-2411. The 2017 concert series continues in the GSUMC south campus auditorium at 2:30 Sunday…