Sherry Digmon

Ribbon cutting for Waves
The Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for Waves Car Wash, Friday, Oct. 19. Chamber board members and Ambassadors, friends and family joined the owners and employees for the occasion. Shown are, from left, front, Anna Grace Janes, Emma Caroline Sasser, Sara Rolin, Brooke Doolittle, Mary Thompson Lancaster, Joshua Banks, Logan Chavers, Adonis Williams; middle, Emily Wilson, Myrna Monroe, Mike Kemp, Mike Dickert, Loralee Schneider, Sara Schneider,…
Usher Board, Voncile Stallworth honored
By SHERRY DIGMON News Staff Writer The Rev. Willie Hawthorne, congregation and guests honored a special group Sunday, October 14, with the Annual Ushers Day celebration. The Senior Usher Board and the Junior Usher Board were honored. Officers of the Senior Usher Board are Voncile Stallworth, president; Jerome Davis, vice president; Rosie Jones, secretary; Dorothy Brazzell, assistant secretary; Laura Leslie, treasurer; Annie Bonner, chaplain; James Williams, chief usher; Thomas Adams…
Operation Christmas Child is under way
  By SHERRY DIGMON News Staff Writer You might think it’s too early to think about Christmas – but it isn’t. Not if you’re planning to fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Again this year, Mary Jane Schrock is serving as Area Coordinator, AL Tri-County Area for Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Christmas Child. “There’s still plenty of time to fill shoeboxes,” she said. “Anyone wanting a box or boxes may pick…
It’s time for WSD
By SHERRY DIGMON News Staff Writer Williams Station Day, Atmore’s heritage festival, will be held this Saturday, Oct. 27, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Chamber Executive Director Emily Wilson says the day will have something for everyone – juried art, non-juried art, kids’ activities, entertainment, great food, and much more. The only thing that some folks will miss is the 5K run which was to be replaced with an…
Toyz for Kidz auction is this week
The LA Bikers Toyz for Kidz Auction is set for Thursday, Oct. 18, 6 p.m., PWC Building, 106 East Avenue, Atmore. There will be dozens of auction items available that evening. Shown are just a few of the auction items. Barbecue sandwiches and hot dogs will be served. There will be a $1 raffle drawing for various items. Proceeds from the auction are used to buy Christmas gifts for area…