Sherry Digmon

Joe Hall passes away
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher Immediately, the prayers started. By the dozens, by the hundreds. Joe “Cowboy” Hall’s illness was the focus of Facebook postings for several days and nights. The prayers for healing became prayers for the family when Joe passed away Tuesday, September 24. His healing came – but not here. Cowboy was the community’s friend and helper. Most recently, he and his wife Lauri became the face…
Lions honored for fight against blindness
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher Three members of the Atmore Lions Club were honored during the September 18 meeting. President Bub Gideons presented the Helen Keller Legacy Award to Patty Davis, Shane Hadley and Richard Maxwell. The plaque read “for your dedication and commitment to the fight against blindness.” In 1925, when Lions International was only seven years old, Helen Keller spoke to Lions members at their annual convention and…
Bivins retiring
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher For years, area newspapers have published columns by Carolyn Bivins with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. She has supplied countless articles pertaining to human nutrition and diet and health. It seems that Carolyn thinks 45 years with the Extension System is long enough – she’s retiring. Everyone is invited to a retirement celebration in her honor Friday, September 27, 2 p.m., at the Ag Science…
American Legion celebration
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher Billy Glenn Rushing American Legion Post 90 held a two-fold ceremony Thursday, September 12. Members and guests recognized the National Legion for 100 years and the Atmore Legion Post for 96 years. Post 90 Commander Billy Elder introduced distinguished guests – Ala. Rep. Alan Baker, Mayor Jim Staff, Ala. Department Commander Ron Bradstreet, Legion Auxiliary President Trish Montgomery, and District 34 Commander Larry Meeks. The…
RP students celebrate
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher Rachel Patterson Elementary School went down in history last week when the school was selected one of 21 Alabama Bicentennial Schools of Excellence, based on the success of its Pandas for Pets partnership with the Atmore / PCI Animal Shelter. The presentation was made by Gov Kay Ivey Tuesday, September 3, in Montgomery with RP principal John Brantley, Escambia County Superintendent of Education John Knott,…